Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Come on in!

Summer at last! I'm so psyched to be blogging again!

For the unitiated, here's a recap...

I have grown up studied partied in Dubai, land of sunshine, beaches, glistening skyscrapers, islands spelled out off shore, traffic jams, cheap food, cheap labor, one man families, three hour lunch breaks, twelve hour work days, gold bar raffles and all the carefree luxurious things you can be filled inside a rainbow bubble .
And now the cold shock that is the East Coast of the US of A. Trees, rodents, not rats but the nicer ones like squirrels and hare, brick houses, cheap pizza, costly food, fall, snowfall and all the bleak bare necessities that can be stuffed into a tin can . I'm sure it is the land of opportunity. But I'm a grad student. I'm very much in line right now.
My major , Aerospace Engineering, aka rocket science. I have never been much of a scholar so I'm in learning shock. I have a lot of catching up to do and it would help if I was more of a geek and less of romantic. I don't quite fit the bill of rocket scientist. It's just as well coz most high flying aviators hit the books only after they're six feet under.
Thats all I can think of right now. I'm not trying to put anything in a nutshell. You'll here more from me everyday. I hope. If C++ bugs don't plague my summer. If I watch one less television show. If nobody calls me up after nine. Sniff ;)


lt said...

I will NOT fall for that emotional blackmail and call you after 9!:P

Sandhya Menon said...

And now lets raise a toast to "real life" - away from the bubble of luxury...away from the sunny skies of Dubai :)