Thursday, August 9, 2007


I am bored out of my wits today. And I have very few options while I wait to catch a movie, thank goodness for movies, which are, reading papers about robots on my computer which is what I did for the better part of the day, and playing scrabble which I did for the worse. My printer wont work and I simply cant read stuff off the screen, I keep losing the scroll when I press the arrow key on the keyboard and I end up reading the same page over and over and every time I read it I think of how familiar it sounds and that maybe I've read this paper before. My mental faculties are a bit cloudy and muggy today just like the weather. I was fine this morning and geared to work. I did a little reading tried to print things but no such luck. Anyhow, I wanted to have stuff to talk about at my bi-weekly meeting with my advisor but he was almost three hours late and pretending to be at my scholarly reading, as it should be without chatting or facebooking or scouring amazon, for that long is rather tedious. Finally after the meeting I was two hours past lunch and very very hungry but the only lunch buddies who hadn't eaten already wanted to go to Taco Bell and I kicked up a very flimsy lil fuss and ended up eating there. As usual I ordered twice and left with a half full half hungry guilty glutton feeling. And I tried to drown it with chewing gum and water but now I'm plain sick. And I'm quite sure I'll end up drinking coffee and it wont help.

I think I should quit whining but I really really have nothing better to do. I haven't blogged for a while and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna forget how to spell if I dont write something other than code soon. I still want to be capable of forming coherent sentences.


write_pointless_blogs ();



I'm gonna keep writing coz place_to_crash=0 since I moved out of my apartment on Monday. I'm not out on the streets or anything but I have a few clothes and things at a friends place, and I'm staying with another couple of friends who are real sweethearts and have made me feel very much at home. But I'm sure they aren't vegging out at home so I'm better off vegging out on campus. I did catch a nap at the library though and I think if I hadn't, this blog would have been even more annoyingly wishy washy than it is right now.

To put an end to this misery, I move into my new apartment tomorrow, I am thoroughly worn out of moving out of my old one and I'm gonna be pretty busy moving into the new one and I'm really psyched about it and I cant wait and I dont think I'm gonna be this compelled to blog for a while so till I have nothing better to this space :P

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